Inspired by the prototype made over one week-end at the Meriden factory in 1976 we fit a T150 Trident engine into an Oil in Frame Bonneville (and we give it a few sporting touches along the way).
Photo from David Minton’s book ‘The Return Of The Legend Triumph’.
The oil cooler in the T160 Tri-ville is definitely NOT in a position that would allow easy Exhaust Valve clearance adjustment. A T150 engine with upright cylinders would be a much better solution and would look more appropriate in a Bonneville Frame; so follow the photo trail as things come together…..
Frame modifications to accept the T150 engine and increase oil capacity. Bonneville’s suffered from the 4 pint limitation of the Oil In Frame tank. The Trident would suffer even more so the filler point has been moved to the front of the tank to increase oil capacity.
Fuel Tank modified to accommodate the relocated Oil Filler.
Drive-side Foot-peg and Engine Plate modifications showing crossover shaft to convert
Hydraulic Disk brake to LH Side.
Timing Side Foot-peg mount preparing to adapt hydraulic disk brake to LH actuation.
One of the hold-ups on the engine side of things has been the lack of a serviceable crankshaft. Finally a NOS item has been sources on eBay and now safely shipped from the USA to our workshop in Australia.
A mock-up engine has been fitted to the frame so the necessary fittings can be created. Head Steadies have now been produced based on standard T150 items.
The oil Cooler mounts have been tacked to the frame to test that the position is correct and will allow oil lines, fuel tank and exhaust pipes etc to fit comfortably.
The fuel tank has been modified to fit over the wider three cylinder engine.
The project is now on two wheels.
Gear Lever and Linkages now have been created and connected.
Left Foot Brake Pedal transfers activation to RHS located Master Cylinder.
RH Brake is retained with LH Brake Pedal.
Frame Primed and ready for top coat
Neutral Light switch added to T150V gearbox case

Engine build well under way

After a prolonger hiatus from working on customer’s bikes, progress on the Tri-ville has resumed (for now anyway!).

Oil level sight gauge – Original Oil filler was removed to facilitate larger oil-capacity.
Bonneville head steady adapted to suit Trident head bolts
Oil Cooler and feed lines to suit duplex frame
Modifications to fit late model Bonneville gauges in a lower and closer position to suit a prone riding position.
Gear Linkages and foot-pegs now back from the electroplater.

Coil and Battery Mounting considerations – Where to fit that extra Coil???
Rea Wheel fittings back from the electroplater.
Frying Pan Headlight – Mounts lowered to suit repositioned gauges.

Something that was intended for this project right from the start was to add Fuel Injection. A little CAD-CAM technology and we are well on the way to achieving that goal. Watch This Space.